Monday, 4 July 2016

Yoga Aasanas_Sarap Aasan

Name of this Aasan is Sarap (Snake) Aasan. As depicted in the picture above, this is a position of a Snake. This Aasan makes the heart strong from internally.

Method : Lay down on belly and try to lift your upper part of body with the help of the arms. Keep your head straight. Keep your legs straight too and there should not be any gap between the legs. Please ensure that your arms should be in the same position as shown in the picture above meaning there should be a bent in the elbow. The aim is that your body weight shouldn't come on your arms. This Aasan is beneficial only if you stretch your chest and belly completely. Please don't force your body too much.

Benefits : By doing this Aasan the veins  of  legs, inner part of stomach, parts of heart and lungs, veins of throat work very efficiently and become stronger. Additionally this Aasan will prevent from constipation, congestion in breathing, weakness of heart, defects in throat glands.

Precautions : Patients with disk problems should not do this exercise.

Warning : Yoga should be done in the presence of a specialist as an improper aasan may cause side effects.

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