Thursday, 2 February 2017

Pranayam (Breathing Control)

Pranayam means Breath Control. It doesn't have it's tangible benefits only but intangible too. In Pranayam there are many breathing techniques which help us to purify and strengthen our lungs, increase the volume of oxygen in our mind through blood and make us more active and attentive.

As per Yoga Pranayam is junction of two words of Sanskrit language. Prana (Life Force) and Yam (Control). So Pranayam meaning the control of the life force (Breath) which can lead to long life, healthy respiratory system and active mind.

There is a list of Pranayams:

1. Suryabhedi Pranayam:
2. Chanderbhedi Pranayam:
3. Kumbhak:
4. Bhastrika:
5. Sheetli

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